
This section provides statistics about the overall agency, specific locations, or individual clinicians, depending on what parameters are selected/enabled.

The Statistics report has different sections within it

Left Column

This section of the screen shows the number of clients, episodes, surveys etc. that have been gathered depending on what you have selected to the right in the parameter section labelled “3”.Here is a description of the statistics in this column:

Right column

This section shows the statistics of the parameters that you select for example if the whole agency is selected in the parameters section labelled “3” it will show you the Average intake ORS for the entire agency. You you select just a few users then this number will change.

Here is a description of the statistics in this column:

Average intake ORS

The mean baseline ORS of clients

Average intake ORS

The mean baseline ORS of clients

Average Raw Change of ORS

The average amount of change in the ORS scores from first session to last session for all cases selected.

Percentage reaching target

This is the percentage of clients who are above the positive expected treatment response line. Clients whose latest score is in the green zone.

Raw Effect size

This is a  simple calculation of effect size which is a measure of how much change has occurred in the ORS scores for cases. It takes the Raw Change score and divides it by the standard deviation of the ORS dataset to give a Raw Effect Size score.

Severity Adjusted Effect Size.

The effect of treatment when correcting for the number of session, regression to the mean, case severity at intake and bias.