
Once you add a client to a case you have the option of creating a Collateral Rater. Only complete this screen if there is a designated person who is willing and available to complete a survey score at each session based on their view on how the client is progressing in treatment.

If there is no collateral rater available click Next to continue to the Add Clinician screen or Save and Exit to return to the ‘Case and Client List’ screen. Click Previous to return to the previous screen or Cancel to exit the screen without saving.

You have two options to add Collateral Rater(s) in OpenFIT.

Existing Collateral Rater

You can search for an existing collateral rater by clicking the down arrow or by typing in the first letters of their name. When you have selected a collateral rater click Next to continue to the ‘Add Clinician’ screen or Save and Exit to return to the ‘Case and Client List’ screen.

New Collateral Rater

To create a new collateral rater click on the + sign



Enter the collateral raters First Name, Last name in the text boxes.


To choose what type of ‘Collateral Rater’ they are click on the down arrow on the right and choose from the options in the list.

For individual clients a collateral rater could be a parent if the client is a child or young person.

If the client has been referred to the service it may be their social worker or probation officer. It could also be you as their clinician if you decide that this is appropriate. For couples cases each partner can act as a collateral rater for the other. For family cases a parent can often act as a collateral rater for their child. For group cases the group facilitator may act as a collateral rater for each group member or group members may be collateral raters for other members.

When you have added a collateral rater click Next to continue to the ‘Add Clinician’ screen or Save and Exit to return to the ‘Case and Client List’ screen.