
As administrator you can set up new users in OpenFIT.

To set up a new user click on the button administrator on the left hand column of the home screen.

This brings you to a screen which looks like this:

Click the Add new user button and a pop-up screen will appear prompting you to enter the new user details.


Once you've entered all the user details and click Save  the user will be sent an activation email. They will need to log on before the activation email expires. If the activation email expires then you can resend the email by clicking here:

User status

  • Not Activated – The user has not activated their account. They need to log in to OpenFIT for the first time using the username and password sent to them.
  • Overtime the link will expire, if this happens, administrators will need to resend the email (see above picture).
  • Active – The user has activated their account and have access to the system.
  • Deactivated – The administrator has deactivated this user.