
Home Screen Menus and Lists

The Home Screen is where you start when you log into OpenFIT. It gives access to menus which allow you to access different functions in OpenFIT. It also allows you to quickly and easily access your list of cases and clients and review their status.

The Home screen has 3 main sections which each give access to different functions in OpenFIT.

1. Side Menu

The Side Menu has the following options:

Home: This allows you to return to the Homepage from any screen.

Reports: This gives access to OpenFIT reports functions (see Reporting Section of the user manual for more details)

Import Data: You can Import Data from other systems in OpenFIT with this function.

2. Options Menu

The Options Menu allows you to

Change Language: You can change language from this screen and log out of the system.

Lock Screen: This button allows you to hide the screen from view but not log out

Chat with us: This allows you to chat with or email our support team

User Guide: This gives you access to the OpenFIT online user guide

Log off: Click here to log off OpenFIT

My Cases/Agency Cases: This option to select my cases or the agency cases is only available to managers and supervisors.

3. Case and Client List

This is a list of cases displayed on the Home Screen. In this screen you can Add Cases, View Details of Cases, Creates filtered views of cases, search for cases and edit or delete cases. Further details are in the Case and Client List section