The home screen of the App is slightly different that the OpenFIT Web App home screen.
On the left hand side is a list of the Episodes and Clients/Collateral raters.
In the image below you'll notice that in the screenshot of the App on the Right Hand side you'll see that the full name is not displayed. Instead we display the 1st 3 characters of the first and last name along with the External Key that was set by the user or automatically generated if that field was left blank.

Searching for data

There are a few options when seraching for data. In the screenshow below you can see that I've searched using the Clients Firstname. Even though the name is masked in the list view, the concensus was that allowing names to be used in search was a safe option.

A user can also search by the Client/Collateral or Episode External Key.

To review the details of a Case simply Tap on a Card on the left hand list to bring up the information.

From here you can choose which set of Survey data you'd like to review. In the above screenshot ORS (Outcome Rating Scale) and SRS (Session Rating Scale) data has been captured. If other surveys such as PHQ, GAD, etc had been used these would also be displayed.
To review the survey data simply tap on the relevant survey to expand the data.
Here you can review the Sessions and Feedback for each Client or collateral.
Some outcome measures such as the ORS/SRS have a main chart and subscores. You can swipe between these on the App.
Alternatively you can switch the Chart to Full Screen mode which is ideal for reviewing before a Session or with a Client/Patient at the start of a Session.