
Clinician Aggregate Statistics – Description and Notes 

This section includes data on the clients, collateral raters and sessions for all cases or episodes of care included in the report. Data is available on Active and Inactive Cases.





Total number of cases for the clients in the report. Includes Active Cases that are still open and ongoing and Inactive Cases that are no longer ongoing. Inactive Cases (terminations) include both Planned Closed and UnPlanned Closed cases  


Planned terminations are associated with better outcomes. Therapists should always work to reduce the number of unplanned terminations to between 12 – 15 %. 





Total number of clients in the report  




Case/Service Duration 


Average treatment duration for Cases/Services 




Active for less than one year 


Cases active for less than a year 




Active between one to two years 


Cases active for more than one year but less than two 




Active for more than two years 


Cases active for greater than two years 






Total number of sessions for the clients in the report 




Attended Sessions 


Total number of attended sessions for the clients in the report 




Average Number of Attended Sessions per case 



Average number of attended sessions for the clients in the report 




Feedback skipped sessions (number and %) 


This is the number and % of attended sessions that were completely skipped (no ORS or SRS administered). Important in determining utilization of the measures. 


. Should be <10% 


Did not attend sessions (DNA number and %):  



The number of sessions clients failed to show up for or Client phoned and notified ahead of scheduled session. Indicator of engagement/productivity.  


Should be less than 20% 


Average Number of Sessions Attended per case 


This is the average number of sessions per case.  


In the large, international normative sample, the average number of visits people attend is approx 5.8 visits (SD = 4.2). Less than 5% of clients attend 20 or more sessions in a single episode of care. 


Average Number of Weeks per case 


This is the average number of weeks per case. As clients improve in treatment the clinician should decrease the frequency of their sessions. Therefore the average number of weeks should be greater than the average number of sessions. 


In a large, international normative sample the mean number of weeks per case or episode of care is 9.1 weeks (SD = 8.3) 


Modal Number of Sessions 


This is the number of sessions per case that occurs most frequently. Ideally, the mode should be greater than 1 session. Only cases with two or more sessions are included in the report aggregate statistics. 


Worldwide, the mode is most often a single visit, indicating a significant number drop out before being able to determine whether the service is helping.