
Report Data Types 

These are the basic data types in these statistics reports. There are two basic sets of feedback data and statistics available in the report. These are Client data and Collateral data. Client data is data and statistics based on feedback from clients who received services or treatments. Collateral data is data and statistics based on feedback from family members professionals or others who are able to provide reliable feedback on their view of the client’s progress. 


Case (Episode of Care): 


A Case also known as an Episode of Care or Treatment  is a record of who has received care or treatment in the service and the number of sessions provided. 


This may be an individual case which includes one client, or it may include more than one client such as couple case, a family case or a group case. The client’s case or episode of care may also include collateral or parallel raters from family, school or other services that the client is attending. 




The client is the individual who is receiving the service as an individual case or episode of care or as part of a couple, family or group case.  


This report includes ORS and SRS feedback scores from clients who are part of a Case or Episode of care/treatment in a service. 


Collateral Rater 



OpenFIT allows administrators to produce separate aggregate statistics reports based on data from collateral raters. This allows agencies who have mostly mandated clients to generate meaningful outcomes data based on feedback on client progress from person who are in a position to identify clients progress in services. 


A report can includes ORS and SRS feedback scores from a family member or professional who is giving feedback on their view of the client’s progress in treatment. It provides a comparison from persons who have the capacity to conclude if the work is successful or not. 

If the collateral rater is not available, then the client can indicate what feedback score they think the collateral rater might have given.