
Setting Templates for Email and SMS messages

Although OpenFIT provides default message in the textbox when sending surveys via email or SMS, and it’s possible to edit this text each time a user is sending a survey there are a number of scenarios where this is useful to create Templates that can be chosen by the user.
  • You have different treatment services where you wish to have different messaging depending on the service
  • You may wish to refer to resources and support material your service offers on your website
  • In multi-lingual settings you can create different versions of the same message for people in specific languages to match that of the survey being sent.

Logged in as an Administrator you can go to the Templates section on the Left hand menu.

On the Create Template screen the administror chooses which Survey Template (ORS, PHQ, etc) to associate the Template with.
Give the Template a name. We suggest deciding on a naming convention. For example EN-CFS-ORS which is EN English, CFS Child and Family Service and the Survey name ORS. ES-CFS-ORS would be the same except the text is in Spanish (ES). You can decide on what’s appropriate for your setting.

Graphical user interface, text, application<br><br>Description automatically generated

Once the Template is saved, then it is available to all users to select during the Share Survey Screen.